Gloria Estefan – Mas alla

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The word karaoke comes from the Japanese words ‘kara’ meaning ’empty’ and ‘oke’ meaning ‘orchestra’. It first became popular in English in 1979



Karaoke is a Japanese word that refers to a performance in which a person sings along with recorded music. It’s a popular form of entertainment at restaurants and clubs: amateur singers choose their favourite well-known song to sing and then perform it for the crowd.


Gloria Estefan – Mas alla

Cuando das sin esperar
When you give without expecting
Cuando quieres de verdad
When you truly love
Cuando brindas perdon
When you offer forgiveness
En lugar de rencor
In place of bitterness
Hay paz en tu corazón
There is peace in your heart
Cuando sientes compasion
When you feel compassion
Del amigo y su dolor
For a friend and his pain
Cuando miras la estrella
When you look at the star
Que oculta la niebla
That is hidden in the mist
Hay paz en tu corazón
There is peace in your heart
Mas alla del rencor
Beyond the bitterness
De las lagrimas y el dolor
Of the tears and the pain
Brilla la luz del amor
The light of love shines
Dentro de cada corazón
Inside of each heart
Ilusión, navidad
Illusion, christmas
Pon tus suenos a volar
Let your dreams soar
Siembra paz
Sow peace
Brida amor
Offer love
Que el mundo entero pide mas
Because the whole world is asking for more
Cuando brota una oracion
When a prayer blossoms
Cuando aceptas el error
When you accept mistakes
Cuando encuentras lugar
When you find the place
Para la libertad
For freedom
Hay una sonrisa mas
There is one more smile
Cuando llega la razon
When reason arrives
y se va la incomprension
And misuderstanding is gone
Cuando quieres luchar
When you want to work hard
Por un ideal
For an ideal
Hay una sonrisa mas
There is one more smile
Hay un rayo de sol
There is a ray of sun
A traves del cristal
Through the crystal
Hay un mundo mejor
There is a better world
Cuando aprendes a amar
When you learn to love
Mas alla del rencor
Beyond the bitterness
De las lagrimas y el dolor
Of the tears and the pain
Brilla la luz del amor
The light of love shines
Dentro de cada corazón
Inside of each heart
Ilusión, navidad
Expectation, christmas
Pon tus suenos a volar
Let your dreams soar
Siembra paz
Sow peace
Brida amor
Offer love
Que el mundo entero pide mas
Because the whole world is asking for more
Cuando alejas el temor
When you remove the fear
y prodigas tu amistad
And lavishley give your friendship
Cuando a un mismo cantar
When with the same song
Has unido tu voz
You unite your voice
Hay paz en tu corazón
There is peace in your heart
Cuando buscas con ardor
When you search with zeal
y descubres tu verdad
And discover your truth
Cuando quieres forjas
When you want to shape
Un manana mejor
A better tomorrow
Hay paz en tu corazón
There is peace in your heart
Mas alla del rencor
Beyond the bitterness
De las lagrimas y el dolor
Of the tears and the pain
Brilla la luz del amor
The light of love shines
Dentro de cada corazón
Inside of each heart
Ilusión, navidad
Expectation, christmas
Pon tus suenos a volar
Let your dreams soar
Siembra paz
Sow peace
Brida amor
Offer love
Que el mundo entero pide mas
Because the whole world is asking for more

5 Tips for Singing Karaoke

Here are some other things to keep in mind about how to have a successful karaoke night:

Warm up your voice before singing so you can really hit those high notes! Follow along with this quick video on vocal warm ups for singers.
Look confident. Start with a smile and with your feet planted shoulder width apart. Make no apologies for being on that stage!
Pick a song you really know so you’re not always having to look at the lyrics on the screen. Don’t forget you have an audience that wants you to sing to them!
Use good vocal technique. Breathe low, and keep your sound placed in your mask rather than shouting into the microphone.
Practice at home! YouTube has many excellent channels, such as KaraFun, that can help you practice.

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