The friendly ghost – Tema de Filme Casper


Tema de Filme Casper – The friendly ghost

Cas-per the friend-ly ghost,
The friend-li-est ghost you know.
Though grown-ups might look at him with fright,
The child-ren all love him so.
Cas-per the friend-ly ghost, he couldn’t be bad or mean.
He’ll romp and play, sing and dance all day,
The friend-li-est ghost you’ve seen.
He al-ways says “Hel-lo, ” and he’s real-ly glad to meet-cha.
Where – ev-er he may go he’s kind to ev-‘ry liv-ing creat-ure.
Grown-ups don’t un-der-stand why chil-dren love him the most,
But kids all know he loves them so, Cas-per the friend-ly ghost.
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