Karaoke Version Free Download

100% Free Karaoke Section: free MP3 instrumental tracks.

Have fun learning traditional songs in English, French, Spanish and German! Sign up, download, and sing!

Can I download free karaoke songs from Karaoke Version?

Yes, you can! Karaoke Version has a complete section where you can find all the free karaoke songs available on our website.

To download a free karaoke song, you’ll need to first establish an account on Karaoke Version and then visit the dedicated section called Free Karaoke.

You will then get the option to download the free karaoke song to your computer in the format of your choice (CDG, MP4, WMV, or KFN).

Karaoke Version is a virtual center for downloading karaoke files. On this website you will find reproduced instrumental tracks, available in an instrumental-only version, instrumental with backing vocals, and sometimes also with lead (reproduced) vocals to hear how the song is sung.

The website also contains a catalog of karaoke songs. This catalog is updated regularly and contains song previews and full song versions that are available for downloading onto your computer and then burning onto a CD. We have the greatest karaoke songs, from the biggest artists, available in a simple, easy-to-use and legal method. All in just a few clicks!
Songs are in MP3 format (CD quality). They are virus-free and available immediately. Downloading music from Karaoke Version is legal and respects all copyright laws.

Amazing New Karaokes Top 100

Guitar: Play your favorite songs or learn your next solo with more than 30,000 titles.
Discover Guitar backing tracks

Drums: Over 34,000 backing tracks to work your groove.
Discover Drums backing tracks

Bass: Grab your Bass and have fun with over 36,000 songs.
Discover Bass backing tracks

Piano: Discover more than 19,000 backing tracks for Piano.
Discover Piano backing tracks

Custom Backing Track:
The custom backing track section offers track-by-track versions from a selection of over 10,000 songs, and offers the opportunity to remix according to your tastes as if you were behind the mixer instead of the sound engineer! So you can remove the vocals, drums, or any other instrument of your mix, or just play with the volumes to give a different sound to a song. Finally, all that remains to do is to record your mix, and then download it.
Discover Custom backing track

CDG Video Karaoke:
Your Karaoke is available on colored or black background, in MP3+CDG, MP4 (HD), WMV (HD) and KFN. (Our files also work with the free karaoke player KaraFun)
Discover CDG Video Karaoke.

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